Our processing time is 5-7 business days and order ship on Monday and Tuesdays.

About Us

This is Our Lifestyle and We Truly Care About Your Health

We are devoted to lifestyle changes of as many people as possible through educating, empowering and making them aware of the many uses and nutritional benefits of Sea Moss.  We believe that you are not living your best possible life, unless your mind and body are completely healthy.

We are three best friends who migrated to the US from the Caribbean as teenagers, and we have called America home for over 20 years.

After moving to America, and as early as I could remember, we started having digestive issues, and all sort of random medical conditions with words so long that teenagers should not have to explain. As we got older, heartburn and acid reflux medication were becoming a norm. While, it helped somewhat, we wanted to figure out what was the issue with our bodies and if there was a way to eat without feeling this discomfort and suffering because of our diets. We ate healthy, but even the “healthiest” of foods seemed like they were still full of additives or chemicals.

We chose to go back to nature and our roots; hence the name Jamaican Roots. Our family has been using Sea Moss for generations, and our great grandmother will be turning 106 this year, and she has been replenishing her body with Sea Moss daily since she was a child. The organic minerals provide us the proper fuel and energy to be alive and thrive, not just to survive. We are all thriving and doing much better as a whole because we are all consuming wildcrafted sea moss every day.
Moreover, we are also seeing an increase in vitality in our customers, and they too are thriving, and their overall health has improved. We are beyond grateful for the opportunity to serve our fellow brothers and sisters, and we are excited to share these powerful healing plants from mother nature with the world!